viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009


Estaba lavando ropa en la lavanderia de los chinos, aquí en la esquina. esperaba el último ciclo para recoger la ropa y pasar a la secadora mientras leía la introducción los condenados de la tierra hecha por Sartre y, bueno, aquí está:

the pacifists are a fine sight: neither victims nor tortures! come now! if you are not a victim when the goverment you voted for and the army your young brothers served in, commits genocide, without hesitation or remorse, then, you are undoubtedly a torturer. And if you choose to be a victim, risking one or two days of prison, you are simply taking the easy way out. But you can´t, there is no way out. Get this into your head: if violence were only a thing of the future, if exploitation and oppression never existed on earth, perhaps displays of nonviolence might relieve the conflict. But if the entire regime, even your non violent thoughts, is governed by a thousand year old oppression, your passiveness serves no other purpose but to put you on the side of the oppressors. 

 no hay salida, ni posibilidad de silencio o de distancia.


Para Fanon, el movimiento, la acción motora, es la condición de la posibilidad de la emancipación. 

 todo es cosa de empezar a bailar. 

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